Leverage that building

When I was working for Kingdom Workers, I got to tell ministry stories from around the world. One of my favorites came from Indonesia and it's related to rubbing elbows with people. Kinda. 

In many of the small villages where KW is active, the church is one of the only buildings around. These small structures serve many purposes. They believe that the building should be open and used everyday, not just for worship on Sundays. It's a great space. We should use it! 

How many of our churches are dormant 5 days a week? I'm not just talking about a couple people (ie. pastor and secretary) being there, but really using the space.  It's easy to lock the doors and just keep everything safe, but is that how we're supposed to use our blessings. 

Having a church building is a massive blessing, and while we should protect it, we need to use them. Yes, we should host our classes, social gathers, and meetings there, but what else? What about groups from outside your church using the space and technology? What about hosting safety training sessions (CPR, Firearm Safety, Hunter safety, etc)? What about using your classrooms as meeting rooms for other organizations? 

I'm not here to tell you how to use your space, but simply to ask a new question. 


Audience Breakdown


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